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I've been working on a Custom GPT to help spin up V1 drafts of spearfishing posts to use on social ad communities to generate engagement and referral traffic to your offers.

Yeah yeah, I know the whole AI hype train has slowed a little, but I'm still finding great usage from AI.

I've got 10+ Custom GPTs that help me spin up V1 drafts of things like sales pages, emails - and now social posts I use pretty frequently.

They're all shared in GM+ if you want to get access to them.

Anyway, I thought I'd do a little showcase of what I use them for and some info on how I build them.

One of the worst things for me is to stare at the blank page.

Getting the first 50 or 100 words down for anything is the hurdle I struggle with the most.

I often know WHAT I want to say, I just don't know HOW to say it. And that's even with the vault of templates I've built.

So, I lean on Custom GPTs to get me past the blank page and spin up a V1 draft I can then improve.

Here's how I build the custom GPTs (again, there's a full course in GM+ about how I do this).

  1. Create a template for the asset that a brand new hire with no experience could follow and upload it to the Custom GPT
  2. Give detailed instructions on how to create the asset in the "instructions" section (this is almost like the permanent prompt for the GPT)
  3. Make sure you give the GPT a persona, and also specific tone and style guidelines.
  4. Run a test, tweak to improve improve, and iterate until you're happy

It genuinely is that simple.

And if you want to see what it can do, here's the output from a new GPT I just finished and shared in GM+ that helps you create spearfishing posts for social and communities.

Because I created a "permanent prompot" in the instructions, all I did for this GPT was gave it a URL to promote, and a video transcript from a YouTube video I shared the other day.

It's created this, I'll edit it to be more in line with my own voice, then I can get to sharing.


I Spent 6 Months Building a Course That No One Bought. Here’s What I Learned.

It took me 6 months to build the perfect online course. The kind of course that I was sure my audience would love.

I had all the bells and whistles: high-quality videos, detailed modules, carefully crafted emails, and a polished sales page.

After months of sleepless nights, I launched it to my list of over 2,000 people...

And I made a whopping 5 sales. Just 5.

That’s $2,500. Less than $700 a month for something that consumed half a year of my life.

Worse yet, all the energy and money I had put into ads, partnerships, and marketing just drained away with little to show for it.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Most people who try to launch a product online make the same mistake I did.

Here’s what I learned and the simple approach I now use to make sure I never waste time on products that don’t sell.

The Mistake Most People Make (I Was Guilty Too):

Here’s how most of us try to launch a product:

  1. We come up with a great idea.
  2. We spend months perfecting it—creating courses, writing eBooks, or developing digital products.
  3. We then craft the perfect sales page, build an email sequence, and get excited about launch day.
  4. Finally, we launch it… and wait.

After months of work, a handful of sales trickle in, or worse—none at all.

That’s exactly what happened to me. I spent 3 months building my first course. After that, it took another 2 weeks to polish everything—sales page, emails, promotional partnerships.

And after all that? I made 4 sales. FOUR.

I spent another 3 months trying to figure out what went wrong. Was it my messaging? Was my audience too small? Should I have spent more on ads?

In reality, I had done everything backwards.

The Smarter, Faster Way to Launch Products That Sell:

Instead of spending months creating a product and hoping people will buy it, here’s what I do now:

  1. Idea to Sales Page in One Morning:

Once I have an idea, I don’t start building the product. Instead, I create a simple sales page using nothing more than Google Docs. Just 2-3 pages explaining what the product will be, the problem it solves, and the transformation it promises.

No fancy tools. No long, drawn-out process. I’m talking two hours max.

  1. Pre-Sell at a Discount:

I include a checkout link right there on the sales page. But here’s the key: I make it very clear this is a pre-sale. The product isn’t created yet, but if they buy now, they get a significant discount—sometimes 50% off—because they’re early adopters.

It’s transparent, honest, and it weeds out the people who aren’t serious about solving the problem.

  1. Test Your Idea Fast:

Once the sales page and checkout are ready, I send a few emails to my list or share it in relevant communities. I also set up a 5-10 day promotional sequence to drive traffic.

This entire process takes me no more than half a day. From idea to promotion, I’m moving quickly.

Why This Works (And Why It Will Save You Months):

This approach eliminates guesswork. Instead of wasting months building something nobody wants, you get immediate proof of whether or not your idea will sell.

Here’s why this method is a game changer:

  • Validation before Creation: You know if people will actually pay for your product before you invest time or money into creating it.
  • Cash Upfront: Instead of waiting months for a return on your investment, you get cash flow from day one.
  • Zero Risk: If no one buys during the pre-sale, all you’ve lost is a morning’s work—and maybe a couple of dollars in payment processing fees. But you’ve saved months of effort.

This is the exact method I’ve used to avoid wasting my time on products that won’t sell.

But What If Your Pre-Sale Doesn’t Hit the Mark?

This is the best part. Let’s say you set a goal of $10K from your pre-sale, and only manage to bring in $5K.

You now have a choice: Is $5K enough to justify your time to build the product? If not, you simply refund the buyers and move on.

I’ve done this before. A few processing fees are nothing compared to the months of work I would have put in building something no one wanted.

By validating the idea first, you save yourself time, money, and stress. And if the pre-sale fails, you still walk away with valuable insights about what your audience doesn’t want, allowing you to pivot fast.

The Fastest Way to Launch Digital Products That Sell:

I’ve used this method on products priced as low as $49 and as high as $1,000. Whether it’s an info product, a course, or even a service-based offering, this approach works.

You can go from idea to real validation in less than a day. No more waiting. No more guesswork. Just results.

Now, you might be thinking: What if it doesn’t sell?

That’s the beauty of pre-selling. If you don’t hit your target, you can simply refund your early adopters and move on to the next idea—without losing anything significant.

And if it does sell? You’ve just created a proven, validated product, and you’re already on your way to scaling it up.

Want to Avoid Wasting Months on Products No One Buys?

Drop any questions you have in the comments. I’m happy to share more details on how I do this—and help you avoid the costly mistakes I made.

Trust me, once you validate your ideas before building, you’ll never go back to the old way of launching.

Let’s chat below!

Want more help?

Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out.

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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