Every day? Really...

I send a lot of emails and it's for one reason.

More emails = more sales.

I send around 1 email per day. And in each of those emails, there's an opportunity for someone to buy something I've created.

If you've bought into the common advice around email marketing and think that you...

  • Should only promote in ~50% of your emails
  • Need to spend months nurturing before asking for a sale
  • Just provide free value and eventually the "rule of reciprocity" will have people buying from you

... this is for you.

IMO, all of the above is bad advice.

And you only have to look at some of the biggest email marketers out there to see this isn't the way to do it.

These marketers are sending at least one email per day and collecting cash off the back of it.

Here's why sending more email promotions works.

According to Mailchimp, the average open rate for email is 34%. Which means 66% of your email list doesn't even see the message.

How do you reach that missing 66%?

Try again and send another email.

Yes, you'll have a % of your audience who opens everything, but generally most people will rarely open all emails due to other responsibilities and needs.

Mailchimp also reports the average CTR is 2.6%.

So, 97.4% of your list doesn't find the message compelling enough to click.

The only way to find the message that resonates with your audience is to test different angles, approaches, and to hit on different adoption lenses.

How do you do that?

Send more emails.

It all comes down to this really.

If you want daily sales, you have to promote your offers daily.

And even if it doesn't work at the start, you're gonna quickly find the right combination of elements that DOES work cause the feedback loops of daily action are shorter.

Now, of course you can't just send an email every day saying...

"Buy now because A"

And then another the day after saying...

"Buy now because B".

You have to offer soem kind of value.

But there's the right way and the wrong way to do this.

I'll be sharing how to create emails you can send day after day to make more sales without annoying people in the upcoming email marketing workshop.

You can register for it here.

Speak soon,


Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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