How not to sell (and what to do about it)

There are 2 big mistakes that cost people email sales.

And I'm gonna explain how you can avoid them to collect more cash.

Before I get into it, I'm doing a full workshop on how to create email sequences that sell on the 18th.

You can check out the details here.

Now, back to it.

Problem #1 - Nurture over selling

For years I followed this advice.

And, weirdly, even when it wasn't generating sales I continued to follow it because it sounds right.

The advice?

Nurture your audience with free value, and then when they're ready to buy they'll think of you.

It sounds right, so we follow it.

But it's kinda like hanging around and being helpful to someone you've got a crush on, hoping that maybe one day they notice you and ask you out.

It never works that way cause you've set up the wrong expectation.

Your crush views you as a friend, so any romantic feelings are put aside as the friendship grows.

Give out free value, and your audience views you as a source of free information rather than someone who deserves to be paid.

Simply changing the expectation can change the success of your business.

If you have a crush, ask them out and make your intentions known.

If you have a list, sell them something and let them know you're here to help them for a fee.

But you've got to do it the right way...

Problem #2 - Asking vs convincing

Some people take #1 to heart and start spamming their email list with crappy low-effort emails like "buy now".

If you send me an email with something like "I have a product - buy it here" I'm not even gonna think "why". I'm just gonna move on.

But if you talk about a problem I'm having and convince me you have the solution, I'm not only gonna give you my time, I'm gonna give you my money.

Making sales through email isn't just about saying "buy this", it's about building an argument around why they should.

There's a few tricks to this too detailed to go into here.

But in essence, you have to focus on making the right argument and building belief that you have the solution.

Do that, and you'll see engagement, clicks, and sales increase.

I'm gonna be running through all of this (and more) in the upcoming workshop.

So if you have a list you want to sell to, or you want to sell better email marketing services to people who have lists, check out the details below and join me on the 18th.

Check out the workshop deets here

Speak soon,

Pete "is business like dating?" Boyle

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

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