Is it about getting rich?

Stumbled across a cool post from a marketer I respect this AM (Alen Sultanic).

It read...

You only need to get rich once, then you simply just keep getting richer. It's not something you have to become over and over again, hence why it's a worthy pursuit in life.

And if you think that you can lose it all, the truth is, you can't ever lose it all because the skill that got you to make it will forever be yours, and you can do it again, so have no fear.

It reminded me of something one of the best CEOs I've ever worked with said.

I joined this CEO to help with growth when their brand was small - about $3k MRR. I was with them for 18 months and when I left, they were doing $220k MRR.

I learned a TONNE there.

But the one thing that I'll always remember is going out for a drink one night after spending the day with them in their office.

It was still a new venture and we weren't 100% sure how things would pan out.

I asked him if he was worried about it not working considering the investment into it he'd made.

He shrugged, casually, and said "I can always make more money".

He said it like he didn't have a care in the world. Like making money was easy for him and not something he ever had to worry about.

I reckon he was right.

He brought the skills from his prior business to the one I helped with, and grew it to way more than the $220k/MRR I helped them get to.

Point is, Alen's advice is spot on, but I would like to add something.

It's easy to get focused on the end goal. The dollars in the bank, the profit, and the things we can buy. the whole "getting rich" thing.

It's important - we're in business after all.

But what's more important is building a skill set that enables us to hit those goals.

When you understand how to craft killer offers, persuade strangers to buy, and keep them happy and coming back for more, you'll be able to do it again and again and again.

It doesn't matter if the social channel you use dies off like Vine.

It doesn't matter if the ad platform you rely on hammers your reach.

It doesn't matter if the industry you target no longer becomes profitable.

If you have the skills to create something of value and effectively sell it, all of these other things are secondary.

So focus on the journey.

Focus on getting better, understanding how to sell, and internalising what it takes to make money and live the life you want.

If you want some help with learning these skills, let me know.

I've got a spot or two open for 1:1s in Feb and am looking to fill 'em up.

If you want me to help you install the proven systems I use in your business, hit reply and let me know.

I'll send deets on how it works and how we could work to get your business to be a little bit more profitable.

Speak soon,

Pete "journey before destination" Boyle

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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