It's September - and you know what that means...

September means two things in the online biz space.

First, summer is over. Which is bad cause I live in the UK and will take any amount of sun I can get.

Second, summer is over which is good because this is the time when people hit the work side of things again.

And it's that second one that's important.

September is one of the standout months for online offers.

Summer is done and behind us.

Kids are going back to school.

Family holidays are finished.

The weather is starting to turn.

Which means people's attention swings back to work and ensuring their Q4 is strong.

It's a long-winded way of selling September is a great time to run promos and make sales.

If you've got a good offer and an audience to promote it to, you can make some good gains in September.

Thing is, I've noticed that a lot of people don't know how to make the most out of their email promos.

They make a couple of fundamental mistakes that cost them sales and result in lacklustre profits.

But, if you have the right system, you can spin up simple email sequences that...

  • Answer the burning Qs that stop your audience from buying
  • Serve different segments of your audience and help them know if your offer is right for them (resulting in more sales)
  • Allow you to promote your offer every single day without it feeling stale, tired, or annoying

I'm gonna be jumping on a live workshop in just over 2 weeks to run through all of this.

If you join, you'll get access tot he live workshop (and recording if you can't make it), some documents and templates to help you build your own killer email sequences, and of course the normal Q&A you'd get at these kind of events.

If you're interested in running promos through Q4 to make Christmas that little bit brighter, check out the deets below.

Check out the workshop details here.

Any Qs, hit reply and let me know.

Speak soon,

Pete "September is for sales" Boyle

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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