Selling subscriptions

Years back a friend and I launched a premium newsletter for $99 / month.

It was wayyyy harder to sell than we thought.

Anyway, we had some success and the offer was proven but we'd kinda hit a plateau.

One of the subscribers to the newsletter ran a very successful biz.

He offered to jump on a 30-minute call to give me some ideas to overcome the issue.

The subscriber was Danny Iny of Mirasee. And the advice he gave helped us make a quick change to the model which made it much easier to sell.


Before I get into the details, I wanna give a quick shoutout to the Mirasee team.

I've bought courses from them and they've been incredible.
I've spoken to Danny and he was insanely helpful.
I've subscribed to one of their newsletters - 2 Sigma by Emjae - and it's helped me get new ideas.

I'd definitely recommend checking out and subscribing to the 2 Sigma newsletter - here's the link to check them out.


And now, back to the advice.

Look, subscriptions are great because that recurring revenue can relieve some of the burden of acquisition.

But getting people in is hard.

Danny pointed out the mistake we were making and a simple fix.

It was all about the speed of value delivery.

We were sending a monthly newsletter at the end of every month.

If we promoted it on the 1st of the month, these people would get nothing for their money for ~30 days.

When you can't see the value of something you've bought for ~30 days, the incentive to take the plunge is low.

Even if they did join, during that ~30-day wait they're questioning whether or not they should have signed up.

The simple fix?

On sign up, give them access to something that helps them see and feel the value.

An example is Ben Settle and his email players subscription.

Like our premium newsletter, he sends it once per month.

But if you join right now, you also get...

  • A copy of a book around email marketing
  • A 30-day email game plan to make more money from your list

We adopted the same thing with Danny's advice.

On signup, people got instant access to our best newsletter edition.

It made it so much easier to sell as we could say "get this now".

It helped us break through the plateau and made pushing the offer a lot easier.

So, if you sell any form of recurring offer, don't wait to deliver value.

Figure out what kind of value you can deliver on signup so that the user experiences some form of return ASAP.

This'll make it easier to sell, and will help you get off on the front foot with your new customers.

before I go, just want to give the Mirasee team one last shoutout with some info on the 2 Sigma newsletter created by Emjae.

The 2 Sigma newsletter is a 3x weekly newsletter that shares a round-up of content for coaches, consultants, and expert entrepreneurs.

These resources range from courses to e-books and podcasts geared towards helping you create real transformation for your clients, and for yourself – and growing your business in the process.

The community is 80K+ subscribers who receive relevant and transformative content that you can apply to create more leverage, freedom, and impact in your business and life.

Check out 2 Sigma here

Pete "value now" Boyle

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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