Tease - don't teach

I'm putting the finishing touches on the email marketing workshop I'm doing tomorrow...

... you can sign up for it here.

And I wanted to share one of the lessons within.

When you're using email as a vehicle to engage your audience, it's tempting to detail exactly HOW to achieve a goal.

To write this big, long email that explains the ins and outs of whatever it is you're teaching.

After all, you've got to provide "value", right?

Here's the thing.

If you try to explain and teach complex approaches within email, you're actually doing your audience a disservice. And here's why.

Email isn't a great channel for providing detailed information.

People want to empty their inbox, not to spend an hour in there dissecting your thesis on how to do a thing.

A lot of email is checked "on the go". They're not sat at a desk or even in an environment where they can fully analyse all of the information you share.

And the search is terrible.

If I receive an email now I think is valuable, but I don't tag it in some way, the chances of me finding it again through search is slim.

Email simply isn't a good channel for teaching anything more than simple, focused thoughts.

But it is a great traffic driver and relationship builder.

Email is amazing at getting your message in front of people.

And if you know who to write effective emails, there's little better to get them excited and want to learn more about your offer.

If you've been trying to teach the HOW in email and getting nowhere, check out the workshop I'm doing tomorrow where I'll explain how to create email sequences that sell.

Learn more about it here.

Speak soon,

Pete "Why, not How" Boyle

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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