The dream...

It's the big headline for most offers out there.

"How to get [THING YOU WANT] without [THING YOU DON'T]".

There are countless versions of this out there that cross industries, offers, and benefits.

For example...

  • How to lose weight without exercising
  • How to find top tier investments without researching
  • How to collect more clients without pitching

Most of the time this falls into the template of get big benefit without time or money investment.

For most of us, that's gonna fall into the realm of make more money without working.

It would be the dream, right?

Watching Stripe notifications roll in while you're sitting back sipping cocktails on a beach.

Leaving the beach to head out for dinner, only to make more money than you spend on the food.

Heading to bed and waking up to the most profitable night's sleep you've ever had.

Only to start the cycle again the next day.

This is the dream, and it's also only a dream because it's just not possible.

You wanna make sales, you're gonna have to do some work.

Work = cash. Simple as that.

But you can probably still make some sales while working less.

In fact, if you have the right system in place, you can probably collect more cash whilst working less.

How do you do this?

Focus on the big needle movers and ignore the little things that keep you busy but not productive.

It's about simplifying your approach and focusing on the things that are going to have the biggest effect on revenue.

Where as most people tend to focus on the small busy work elements that keep them busy, but not productive.

If you want to simplify your business so you can work less than 20 hours per week while surpassing your revenue goals, I'd recommend checking out this workshop from my mate Steph Blake, founder & CEO of the Simple Business School™

It's free and you'll learn the exact system that Steph used to:

• Go from working 80+ hours/week to <20 hours per week with 1 team member

• Make 6+ figures in one year without ads

• Retire her husband from his 9-5 job at 30 years old

• Run a simple & successful business as a "multi-passionate" entrepreneur with ADHD

Click here to register

Speak soon,

Pete "KISS" Boyle

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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