
I spent a good part of yesterday working through the yearly planning sheet I just added to GM+ (you can join us in planning your year here).

It was an oddly enlightening and cathartic experience for a couple of reasons.

Mainly because I'm usually a private person who doesn't make public mention of my personal life.

I'm trying to make small changes here in the next year as I've found the more personal stories build better relationships - and sharing my goals with the GM+ people was the first, very liberating, step in doing so.

More importantly, writing out where I am, my energy levels, and my motivation helped me better understand not just how to grow my business, but why I want to and which methods might be better suited to me.

I'm feeling way more confident going into this year now thanks largely to the act of sitting down and writing out what I want and why.

I'd recommend you do the same.

At its core, it's just about thinking through and writing out the below...

  • Your big goal that you want to achieve in ~10 years time
  • The first big milestone (1 year from now)
  • Where you are now
  • What steps will help you get from where you are now to the first big milestone

There's a little more nuance to it than that, but this is the core of what's helped me understand where to focus in the new year (you can get the sheet we've built and also the support from others within the community here).

Anyway, I wanted to share what some of my goals are here. First, to be a bit more open, and second as some might be of interest to you.

Goal 1 - Generate $1,000,000 in profit for GM+ members

In short, for the collective GM+ group, I want to help them generate an extra $1,000,000 in profit within this calendar year.

I'm only counting actions that are devised, improved, or created from conversations and assistance within the group.

And, honestly, I'm already wondering if $1M is too low of a number.

We'll see and I can always amend.

Goal 2 - $50K / months for myself

By December 31st, the goal is for me to be making $50k / month with only 3 core offers.

I'm cutting a lot of the distractions that have made money for me, but have ultimately stopped me from scaling to focus primarily on GM+.

Obviously, all of the trials and tribulations of this will be shared within the group so it can help others too.

Goal 3 - Get down to a ~4 hour workday

Writing out what's worked and what's not for me helped me identify the key actions that have driven the best results.

Long story short, ads to an SLO have worked the best.

Not just in generating buyers and revenue today, but the people who bought the SLO have...

  • Been more engaged
  • Actively been offering great feedback
  • Buying multiple items thus increasing LTV

When I was planning out my core actions for the next month, I realised that I can get the basic maintenance of the system (daily emails and ad improvements) done in about 4 hours per week.

Add in a few actions I like to include such as one long-form video and some short-form snippets for social, and you can add another 3 hours on.

That's 7 hours per week, or 1.5 hours per day Mon-Fri.

The rest of the time I'm planning to spend within the community helping others and adding value there.

This is, obviously, not going to be achievable within the first few months. I'll likely work more now and taper it down to where I want it to be.

But, when mapping this out and analysing what's worked, I genuinely believe this is fully achievable.

There's a couple of other goals and breakdowns in the main planning sheet I filled out for myself. But I reckon my plans to buy a house ar eless interesting to you...

ANyway, not sure what the point of this email is to be honest. Think I'm still in the planning phase and writing things out is a great way to organise your own thoughts.

So let's just say that's the purpose of this.

Writing out your plans and what you are / are not happy with is a great way to clarify thoughts and ensure your plans are actually achievable.

If you want help wither with planning or achieving the goals you set - or you wanna see the sheet we created in GM+ - or you just wanna see my plans - consider joining GM+ now.

You can check out the full deets here

Pete "Mad planner" Boyle

P.S - Part of my planning obviously looked at pricing. And the price of GM+ is going up from early next week.

So make sure you join now to lock in the discount.

Join now before the price increases

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