How I started adding daily buyers

For years I did everything all the big influencers told me to.

  • Provided value for free
  • Underpromise and overdeliver
  • Nurture people to the point where they feel comfortable making a purchase

And for years I was growing an email list I found it insanely hard to make cash from.

If you go back through some of my old teachings, you'll note that I got most of my clients through cold outreach.

Which is mad as I had an email list of a few thousand people.

So what was the deal?

A lot of the advice out there is BS.

The whole "give it all away for free and hope that maybe one day people will pay you" schtick don't work well.

In fact, since I switched to a model where I charge small amounts up front to identify the "givers" in my audience, I've seen things change drastically.

Now I'm seeing...

  • Multiple sales per day (no longer waiting on one big sale every week/month)
  • Upsells to higher ticket items are waaaayyyyy easier for profit generation
  • The fear of me running ads etc is gone as I know I can quickly recover the costs

Wanna know the best bit though?

Setting up a full model like this and understanding howe to maintain it for over a year can all be done in 12 weeks.

That's not 12 weeks to start making money either.

The way we build these can see you collecting cash in as little as 2-3 weeks after starting this.

Next week I'm putting together a small cohort of people to run them through the 12-week program to get this set up in their business.

If you want a model that...

  • Helps make sales every day
  • Is scalable and automates a lot of the back-end upsells
  • Enables you to earn more while focusing on doing less

Check out the full details of what we'll be doing here.

I'm closing the cart for this on Sunday so we can hit the ground running on Monday.

Check out the ACCER Model Builder Cohort here

Any Qs, just hit reply and let me know.

Pete "12 weeks for a year's success" Boyle

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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