Sad fact about growth

Everyone loves a rags-to-riches story.

So much so, they're commonplace in people's marketing.

  • "How I went from a broke, down and out loser to a bajillionaire"
  • "I lost everything but made it all back within a week doing this..."
  • "The system that helped me move out of my parent's basement into a penthouse within a year"

We love these because they make the idea of growth seem possible.

Often, they make it seem EASY.

That all you need to succeed is a little grit and everything will fall into place.

The truth is a little different.

Sadly, the business that wins is usually the one that can afford to invest more into attracting customers.

Here's what I mean.

Picture two companies.

Company 1's customers have an average order value of $100.

Company 2's customers have an AoV of $200.

Company 2 can afford to invest twice as much into acquiring a customer than company 1.

Which means they'll be...

  • Seen by more people
  • Remembered by more people
  • Attracting more leads and closing more deals

Company 2 will win because they can afford to invest more.

This is obviously a simplistic explanation, but you get the point.

You also have to consider things like the payback period and LTV of those customers.

But the point stands.

Generally speaking, the companies that can afford to spend the most on marketing win.

One of the key points I'll be covering in tomorrow's Webinar is the system we use to...

  1. Make more than you spend on the initial acquisition cost
  2. Make that payback period super short so you can afford to spend more consistently
  3. Attract high-intent users every day to your business so you can continue to grow

I'll also be explaining why this is NOT the place to start your marketing efforts though.

And I'll be highlighting where you should first turn your attention to make sure that the LTV of these customers is higher.

More on that another time though.

See you tomorrow.

You can register here

Pete "big spenders win" Boyle

Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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