
"I'm doing $60k / month. Do I stick with cold outbound, or switch to ads to scale?"

The above post popped up in a biz group I'm a member of, and it's the perfect example of shiny object syndrome at play.

Look, we all suffer from shiny object syndrome at some point.

When growth stalls or plateaus (or maybe you're just a little bored), it's easy to look around and go "I wanna try that new thing".

Sure, it's exciting. But it takes your focus away from the thing that has been working.

You've split your attention and, before long, you start to see negative growth.

So, what's the solution?

The rule of ones.

  • First, choose one ideal customer you're going to help.
  • Then, craft one specific offer to help them.
  • After that, pick one channel that they use to market your offer.

I've heard people say you should stick with this until you hit 1 million.

Which is definitely possible in a lot of cases.

Here's the thing.

Improving something that's working is often much easier than starting something from scratch.

If we imagine the guy above had the goal of $1M / year, that's $83,333 per month.

To go from $0 to $23,333 with a brand new channel is gonna take a lot of work, money, and mistakes.

However, increasing that existing $60,000 by ~38% is gonna be muuch easier.

He already has the system in place, he knows his numbers, and it's likely a case of just increasing the traffic or improving the CVR of the Convert mechanism.

If I were in his shoes, I'd work on getting that $60k to $83K first.

Then I'd craft detailed SOPs so that I could offload some of the busy work.

THEN I'd look at diversifying the ways we reach the audience.

Do more of what's working.
THEN improve the results.
THEN look at spreading to new approaches.

Whatever your goal for 2025, focus in on the approach and channel that give the best results, and rinse that thing until you hit your limit.

And if you want help figuring any of this out, check out the links below.

Pete "more, better, new" Boyle


Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out.

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

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