5 stages of... email?

I'm gonna let you in to a little secret about effective email sequences today.

This is the core of all of the email sequences I create, and the reason why they help people print money.

It's also one of the key elements I'll be explaining in the upcoming email marketing workshop.

This approach is at the core of the below success.

In the above, we created a simple 2-week email sequence and sent it to a list that hadn't been emailed in 2 years.

But in those 2 weeks, we reactivated the list and made almost $14k by the end of the promo.

What's the secret?

You've got to think about WHY people buy - or more accurately why they DON'T buy.

A lot of people approach email promo sequences with the thought of...

"If I just say buuy now enough times, people will do it."

It don't work that way.

You have to consider the different cohorts within your audience and the adoption lenses they view offers through.

Here's what I mean.

Picture your audience.

Do they all have the same goals, struggles, and reasons for taking action?


There will be overlaps, but to think they're all the same is madness.

That difference means they'll look at your offers through different lenses.

Some people are price sensitive and want to know what they're getting and the guarantees you offer to minimise risk.

Others are very technically minded and want to understand exactly how the thing works to make a more informed decision.

Others focus on the problem, some on the solution.

Some might be motivated by the transformation.

All of these people have different questions and hesitatiosn that stop them from buying.

A good email sequence doesn't say the same thing over and over again.

It addresses different problems at different points to remove obstacles and help people feel comfortable spending money.

Some people need only one, others need 2-3 to be addressed before they buy.

There's no exact science to this, but in the upcoming email marketing workshop I'm going to share the "catch all" plan I use.

This is a sequence I've used across different industries and price points that removes the majority of obstacles and helps your ideal customer feel comfortable buying.

Which is a fancy way of saying "this helps you make more cash".

If you want to see the system and get some other tips from me on effective email marketing, check out the details and join the workshop below.

Check out the workshop here

Speak soon,


Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

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