A little more trust?

Do me a favour and humour me for a second...

I want you to think of your favourite biz owner, guru, coach, consultant etc. Basically, someone you have, or would, consider buying from.

Can you tell me a random fact about their life?

Chances are, with a little thinking time, you can.

Here's a few of my favourites that people have brought up recently on calls...

  1. Russell Brunson "You know he started out selling potato guns."
  2. Alex Hormozi "Well, he had a point where he felt like he was failing, but then he got his gym marketing business to just click."
  3. Richard Branson "His mum pushed him out of the car and told him to figure out his own way home."

When you do think of one of these fact, how does it make you feel about that person? (FYI - if you wanna email me your fave fact, that would be awesome!).

Most will look at these short anecdotes and think they're simply there to help illustrate a story.

But, they're not.

Most of the time, they're there to help you build more of a connection with that person.

They're put in to make the person seem more likeable, that they're just like you, or presents them in a way that gets you to admire them.

And this is 100% manufactured for the reason of making more sales.

Here's what I mean.

The other day I emailed about the 9 stages of trust.

If you didn't see that email, the short version is there are 9 stages of customer trust ranging from not knowing who you are to loving you.

And at each stage, people feel more comfortable spending more money with you.

A huge element within the latter stages are around getting them to like and admire you.

And so, people present themselves in a way that builds trust, desire, or even a little envy.


Cause it makes people want to spend more time with you.

Think of the people who do things like...

  1. Post images with their brand-new Lambo
  2. Drop an image of them in a first-class plane seat
  3. Talk about how they managed to soldier on and overcome huge odds

They're all there to build a better connection with the people who also want those things.

It creates this belief that "if I just work with this person, I'll also get that thing".

I've made it seem incredibly shady here, but it doesn't have to be.

If you build this into your nurture, you'll find it builds huge amounts of trust and speeds the journey to someone spending the big cash with you.

I'm breaking down how you can pretty much automate this in the upcoming Workshop on the Ascension Systems we're building to turn leads into high-ticket offer buyers.

Obviously there's way more in the workshop (you can see everything we'll cover here).

But whether or not you join us, know that the right kind of story and placement of a personal story or image, can really help people feel closer to you.

If you want the system and templates, join the workshop here.

And, if you're still on the fence, maybe this image of me in a first-class plane seat will persuade you...

See you in the workshop

Pete "first-class kinda guy" Boyle


Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out.

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

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