Dec vs Jan

One of the goals I set myself for January was to get 100 new $1PC customers through ads.

With the new ascension system I'm running, that should then translate into a couple of new members for GM+.

Long story short, I think I'm already not gonna hit this goal.

I made a stupid mistake which caused the new ads I set up to not run for a few days (I wondered why sales weren't coming in!).

It's fixed now, but I'm left chasing where I should be and I'm a full week behind.

My stupidity is not the point of the story though.

The ads have been running for a little while now and I wanted to share some stats.

One ad group is...

  • Targeting the same audience (Russell Brunson Advantage+)
  • Using the same ads (had a good unique CTR of ~2.7%)

But, this month, they're drastically cheaper.

It's still super early to say whether or not this will hold, but with a few days of data the cost per unique outbound click for the same audience and ads is almost half of what it was in December.

  • December = £4.65
  • January = £2.40

Fact is, December's a hard month to run ads.

Everyone is pushing their ads to get their last few sales for the year, capitalise on the Christmas spending, and try to make up their numbers before the new year hits.

In January, everything calms down a bit.

... costs (and stress) come down...

... results (and smug happiness) go up...

I'm not trying to brag here and say "look how awesome I am at ads".

I'm saying that if you're running ads, now's the time to get aggressive with your scaling of them.

And if you're not running ads, now's a great time to try them out.

Costs are down and people appear to be more receptive.

Maybe I will still hit my 100 sales in January goal...

Just a word to the wise.

Make sure you have some form of self-liquidating offer to help you cover the ad costs in double quick time.

If you want help with that, I've created a couple of courses within GM+, and you can get the support within to help you get off to the best start.

Check it out here.

Speak soon,

Pete "catching up" Boyle


Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out.

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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