Don't be premature...

Building on from yesterday's message about the uselessness of most nurture sequences.

I wanna jump in with a little cautionary tale.

Don't overcompensate like a lot of folk do.

Every week I get more than a few cold messages from people who want me to "jump on a call" where they pitch me their multi-thousand dollar recurring fee service.

That shiz ain't gonna work. The threat of that offer is too high at that point. It looks like this.

"But Pete, you said nurturing was a waste of time and that we should sell..."

I did.

But most people do the whole nurturing thing the wrong way.

Sending endless "value-based" emails that give away all your secrets and talk about who you are doesn't magically make people wanna buy from you.

It doesn't really lower the risk of the paid offer or build up enough trust with your freebie seekers to get them to buy.

You'd have to nurture them for months to make a single sale in this way. And I don't have the patience or runway to wait that long.

What's the better way?

Build a paid "yes ladder".

You sell them something cheap.

This separates the givers from the takers.

You then know who to focus on (the givers).

You build services and other offers that help them reach their end goal faster and more easily.

These offers along the way are also paid.

Before you know it, a $7 front-end sale becomes a $197 upsell sale.
Which soon becomes a $5000 sale.

This is the basic system I build into my ACCER models.

The fact is, people who pay you once - even if it's a single dollar, are the ones who will pay you again and at higher fees.

Building these paid Yes Ladders into your ACCER model does a few things.

  1. Quick cashflow for you
  2. Separates the customers from the leads
  3. Increases the LTV of those customers

And most importantly, it shows you who to focus your time on.

So you don't get burnt out and you're actually able to help these people get increasingly better results.

Stop going from free to high ticket.

It takes too long and is too hard.

Start building paid Yes Ladders with an ACCER model.

If you want help doing that, check out the links below.


Want more help?

Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out.

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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