Ethical theft...

There are a couple of ways for you to get better at marketing and growth.

Let's imagine the goal is to become better at email marketing.

The first, and fastest, way is to basically learn directly from someone who's a step or two ahead of you.

You could join a course, get a consultation, or purchase access to a workshop that they're doing and learn how they get results.

Kinda like joining the workshop I'm doing on email marketing and sales sequence next week (more info here).

But, let's imagine you're earlier in your career and either don't want or don't have the money to spend on training.

What then?

This is where a little ethical theft comes in.

Don't worry, you're not actually stealing anything. You're just using publicly available info to improve your skills.

In the direct copywriting world, there's an exercise called "copywork".

You find a great piece of copywriting like a sales letter, email, or ad and literally copy it out by hand.

As in, pen, paper, and desk to write this thing out long form.


Because writing something out, even when you're just copying, forces you to focus on each and every word.

Do this enough and you start to notice and learn the habits, systems, and word choices great copywriters use.

  • You learn the general structure of good sales letters.
  • You learn how to write in a way that gets people to want to buy
  • You learn the words, phrases, and angles that take dull copy and make it fun to read

You start to see the patterns behind effective copy.

Which means you can start to implement them in your own work.

Which brings us to step 2.

Once you've started to notice patterns and approaches, it's time to use them yourself.

You know take your newfound knowledge and apply it to your own creations.

You launch that bad boy and see what the market's response is to it.

From there, it's a constant cycle of iteration and improvement.

Learn something, try it out. See the results and make improvements. Repeat.

Do this often enough and you'll see growth in your skills and revenue.

If paying for the shortcut in my upcoming workshop isn't in your reach, here's what you do to get better at email.

  1. Find some great email marketers
  2. Subscribe to them
  3. Read their emails and copy them or analyse them to understand WHY they work
  4. Try to implement their approaches in your emails
  5. Track and improve

If you don't know where to start on finding good email marketers, try the below.

This is a list of 120 email marketers that you should be paying attention to.

Find the marketer who has the most overlap with your audience and learn from them.

Speak soon,

Pete "copywork" Boyle

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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