From chasing to being chased

I was chatting to an old friend the other day about how marketing's changed.

Back in the day, we both did pretty damn well from the established method of...

  • Free content
  • Free lead magnet
  • Simple nurture
  • Make a sale

But, times have changed.

If you're still using this approach, you'll likely have seen big shifts like...

... the work it takes to convert one lead into a customer is exponentially harder...
... the cost of converting those leads is vastly higher...
... the competition is a lot fiercer...

The result is higher fees for fewer sales.

A lot of the time, it feels like you end up chasing leads and begging them to hire you.

if you take a second to look at the changes, you'll come to the same conclusion as I have.

This is only going to get worse as time goes by.

And if you're still operating on the old approaches for growth, you're going to see fewer results with every passing week in 2025.

Now's the time to change.

If you're not sure what the changes you need to make are or how you should be thinking about growth for this year, join me on Friday.

I'm running a free webinar where I'm talking about the big shifts you need to know about to succeed in 2025.

I'll also be explaining the system you need to be implementing in your biz to minimise risk, enable scale, and unlock more profit.

These shifts help you go from playing a game of chasing leads to get any business you can, to having your best leads come to you and WANT to pay you money.

If you want to join us, check out the registration page here.

See you on Friday.

Pete "Webinar Wonder" Boyle

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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