"GivE AwAY FrEe VAlUe"...

Stop giving your secrets away for free.

You've worked hard to devise those secrets and you're cheating yourself if you're just putting it out there without asking for anything back.

Yeah yeah, I know that some marketing "leader" who works for one of the biggest brands out there has told you this is the way.

And I know you've seen the engagement that post gets so you think it's trustworthy.

Here's the thing.

Most of the time, the common advice is created by people who either...

  1. Have a salary and so don't need to worry about making immediate revenue
  2. Work in a business that has funding or existing large revenue so they can play the "6 months to nurture a lead" game
  3. Haven't done the work and are just repeating what they've seen the big accounts say

I'm greedy and needy.

I need to see daily sales happening in the biz or I start questioning what I'm doing.

And there's only one way to make sure that everything you create is pushing people towards those sales.

Don't tell people how to do the thing, provide proof you can do the thing.

Give people proof you know your shiz, to build excitement. Then tell them how they can do it within the paid offer.

It might seem villainous, but honestly it's the best way to get sales with people who will actually use what you give them.

When you're handing shiz out for free, people won't use it.

There's no perceived value there.

But... talk about what this thing does for them. Show them the results and talk about the transformation it provides and they get excited.

When you get people excited you see 2 things happen.

  1. More people will buy
  2. More of those people will engage with the thing

How do you do this?

One of the reasons I build growth models around the ACCER system is because it helps you break down what should be said at each stage.

Too many people are giving out the full system and secret at the attract stage in a fruitless effort to attract people by showing value.

What the attract stage should be doing is talking about a problem and explaining that something you're doing can remove it.

That gets the click to the capture/convert stage which is where you show proof that the system you use can get the result the person wants.

And so on.

Each stage of ACCER has one job, to get people to the next stage.

Building these models makes it easy to filter down to the right message to deliver and so increase the CTR and excitement of your customers.

I've seen it work.

It's why I'm making $8 for every $5 I spend on ads on the front end alone.

It's why one person I'm helping is making $200 / day on autopilot.

It's why another is doing simple product launches to list segments and clearing $10k+.

And why another is attracting people with low-ticket items and selling them on higher ticket $20k+ packages.

If you're fed up of offering free information and getting nothing back for it, check out the offers below.

They'll help you understand how to actually make money from your list based on the system that's working for hundreds of others.

Pete "no freebies for you" Boyle

Want more help?

Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out.

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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