Givers and takers

There are 2 types of leads for your biz.

Givers and takers.

Most people focus on attracting takers and wonder why they can't make a penny out of them.

If you're doing any of the below, you're attracting takers...

  • Using only free lead magnets
  • Focusing on providing as much free value as possible
  • Building long "nurture sequences" that simply tell the user more about you and your offers than actually selling them

So what's the issue with takers?

Well, they take.

Here's the thing I've found to be true across multiple offers in different industries.

People who are attracted with freebies only want freebies.

They'll ask for more freebies and take up all of your time without giving anything back.

Focusing on these people is a certain way to burn out.

And the cherry on top? Their engagement and usage of whatever you give them is non-existent.

So what's the cure?

Focus on finding the givers.

The givers are people who pay for good info.

These people not only pay for help - which keeps your biz alive - they're also...

  • More engaged
  • Better to work with
  • Use what you give them cause they've got skin in the game

... all of which leads to better results which means you get some great social proof.

They give you something back (money) so you can continue to provide good service and content to further help them.

A nice little virtuous cycle where everyone wins.

How do you find the givers?

Start selling stuff.

Then focus on offering deeper help to the people who pay.

Case in point.

I've been working with someone recently who had a strategy that attracted the takers.

Over several months, they made $0 from those takers.

We switched their products up and implemented a simple $1 Product Strategy.

Now, they're not only adding more people to their list, but also making a couple thousand dollars profit every month from the front-end products alone.

AND, those same people are buying into higher ticket items at a huge rate. They're on the track to have a really decent profit-generating system in no time.

If you wanna make more cash and actually help more people, start charging for your stuff.

It's a big win for everyone involved.

And if you need some help setting something like this up yourself, check out the links below...

...or hit reply and let me know if you want to join a cohort of people setting up a cash-flowing ACCER Model within 12 weeks.

Pete "Pay Me" Boyle

Want more help?

Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out.

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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