Here's how to git gud

Years back I wrote a blog post for Big Commerce.

It took me a few hours per day over 3 days to write (was about 5000 words).

We hit publish on Friday and by midweek it was ranking #1 on Google for a highly competitive seed keyword.

Same story when writing for HubSpot, Entrepreneur and a few others.

At that time, I was pretty much exclusively doing blog content so I had a wicked system for churning out high-quality stuff.

Also, the brands I partnered with relied on blog content so they had a wicked system for getting things to rank quickly.

No step along the way felt hard or forced. We simply implemented the system we knew worked, and boom, got the success we wanted.

I'm not telling you this to brag.

I'm telling you this so you understand the value of having well-defined and practiced systems and approaches.

You'll have seen the people who have achieved this.

  • The person who spends hours per day in Facebook ads can churn out a winning ad campaign in 20 minutes.
  • The person who writes a daily email can spin up a promo within an hour and make $10K+ from a few sends.
  • The person who's done 1000 social posts knows just how to create one that will drive hundreds of people in traffic.

These people aren't superhuman.

They're just experienced and have a good system.

How do they get this level of otherworldy ability?

By doing the thing every single day.

I recently I worked with someone who had a "dead" email list.

5000-ish people who hadn't been emailed in 2 years.

After a little digging, we realised they had the chops to write frequent emails and so this could be a great channel for them.

I created some simple templates to follow and this person started crafting emails to be sent every day.

We set up a 2 stage system.

  1. Warm the email list with some basic insight-based emails
  2. Promotion of a new program they were running

1 week of warming, 2 weeks of promo.

The result, around $14,000 cash collected and massively improved engagement across email and (weirdly) Instagram.

They then built this into a habit and, without a month or two, were sending out frequent emails which kept that cash flowing.

And this is someone with no official or even unofficial copywriting training.

Just a handful of templates and the ability to sit down for 30 minutes per day to write something out.

This is what I do with coaching students and community members with their ACCER models.

We reduce what you have to focus on so you not only are growing revenue more efficiently, but also growing your ability.

Reduce what you've got to focus on and you'll need less time to et better results.

Before long you'll be pulling numbers off a 3-hour per day work schedule.

If you want help setting up the right system for your biz, check out the links below.

Pete "git gud" Boyle

Want more help?

Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out.

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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