Repurposing starts with...

Wanna know the secret behind most big creators' content strategy?

The reason they gather big ol followings and are known for a specific thing like...

  • The funnel guy
  • The content strategy gal
  • The email marketing guru

It's simple repurposing.

But, not in the way you're probably thinking.

Most folk think of repurposing in simple terms.

You create a Facebook post and simply reshare it to LinkedIn and Twitter/X.

Boom, done, right?


The big creators and brands are doing this, but they're doing something else that has better impact on their biz.

They repurpose an idea across different posts, channels, and content.

THEN they syndicate that content on platforms.

An example.

Russell Brunson is all about funnels and his message is that you're just one funnel away from your dream life.

He'll take that idea and make content like...

  • What funnels are doing for his biz and his students/clients (social posts)
  • How to create the one funnel you need (blog post)
  • Examples of the best funnels he's seen (video)
  • The one funnel away challenge (course)

It's the same idea that he's repurposed across channels and content formats.

But, being seen in multiple locations talking about the same kind of thing means he gets known as the "funnel guy".

And weirdly, the more people see you, the more they seem to trust you - or at least be willing to give you a chance.

So, how can you do this?

A lot of people start with the small actions like social media first.

This is great to find your message thanks to the short feedback loops.

But once you've found your message, angle, and core point, I recommend going for the big thing.

Create one big piece of content, then you can slice of little pieces, points, ideas, and quotables to help you syndicate the ideas across more content and channels.

Personally, I recommend writing really long-form stuff for this.

A book is the ideal (and I'm running a workshop this week with Peter Mage who specialises in writing books for creators).

That book is almost like your manifesto.

It outlines your beliefs, approaches, and systems. You can sell access to this as a great trust-building front-end offer.

But, you can also use it to help create more content that aligns with your core beliefs and helps you get known for your speciality.

I reckon everyone who's selling a service, course, or system online should have some form of book.

They obviously have high perceived value and build trust.

But they also give you a tonne of extra content you can then repurpose to build your rep on other channels.

If you want to get the system that's behind the creation of some incredible books that have been at the front of 7-figure launches and businesses, join the workshop I'm doing with Peter Mage this Thursday.

Join the workshop here

Peter's walking us through the system he's used dozens of times to create books in record time for big creators and online biz owners so they can scale their biz.

Speak soon,


Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

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