There’s nothing worse.
After days of research, writing, and editing what you think is the best email promotion you've created you hit send.
And you wait.
You wait to see the sales roll in. After all, email is the "highest ROI channel" right? So this is a done deal.
But it doesn't go to plan.
You head to Stripe, hit refresh, and you see...
… No new sales.
… No new leads.
… No traction.
A day or two of this, and you feel nagging question rear its ugly head "Is my offer even good?"
I get it. I’ve been there.
You've poured your heart and soul into creating a killer product and an incredible sales promo.
You know this is better than 90% of what you see in the wild.
You know the product can make a big difference in your audience's lives.
Yet, here you are without sales wondering if you're just wasting your time.
And that's when those nagging doubts start to creep in...
... Is this offer actually useful?
... Is this email list worth maintaining if I can't monetise it?
... Am I cut out for selling digital products or should I just get a "real job"?
Let me tell you, it's not your fault.
The problem isn't your offer or your email list.
I've audited, created, and optimised countless email promos for products in a dozen niches at this point.
And 99% of the time, the problem isn't with the offer, it's with the way it's being promoted.
Most people approach email marketing as a simple ATM.
They know it's the highest ROI channel and so they think it's easy.
They send email like "I've just launched this - you should buy it" and wonder why they don't make sales.
I've been there as well. Sending emails with little more than a product name and a sales page link.
I'd craft dozens of these things and never see sales, then wonder what I was doing wrong. I mean, if everyone else is printing money through email, why was my approach not working?
It felt like I was following the common advice, but not getting any of the results.
Then I started looking at what the big email marketers do, not what they say they do. And everything changes.
A few of the things I learned which changed my email game...
- How to write in a way that builds intrigue and desire instead of giving it all away for free
- How to "pre-sell" people through email so when they hit your sales page they're ready to buy
- The simple switch in messaging that helps you hit all of the cohorts within your audience
- What big marketers to to promote in every email without it ever feeling too aggressive or tired
And when I started implementing what I was seeing into my own and my client sales promos everything changed.
We started seeing...
- More engagement (sometimes this even spilled over to their social accounts)
- More clicks (great indicator of interest)
- More sales (which is obviously what we really wanted)
there's a set sequence and approach to effective email promos.
And when you know what that approach is, you can use it time and time again for all kinds of different things.
It's great for product launches, affiliate promos, building a wait list for services and more.
I'm going to be sharing the exact email marketing system I use for both my own offers and my clients that's helped drive tens of thousands in sales from single launches in a workshop mid-way through the month.
If you have an email list and you want a more effective way to sell to them, this workshop will help you learn the system behind profitable launches and email promotions.
If you want to learn more about what's covered, check out the details here.
Learn more about the workshop now.
Pete "make money from your list" Boyle