I love all those posts and explanations where people are like... "To make $1M / year all you need to do is make $83,000 per month, which is $19,200 per week, or $2700 per day" I mean, they're not wrong. But basic math isn't what's holding most folks back. And in fact, I find this often confuses most folk. They get all sorts of mad ideas about how to hit that $2700 and something per day. Launching new products Jumping onto new channels Setting up new ad campaigns Here's the thing I've seen...
1 day ago • 1 min read
"I WaNnA SeT Up A SelF LiQuiDaTing oFFeR PeTE" After the $1 Product Challenge took off, I had a lot of people reach out with a message like the above. And it's cool, and I can help you do it... ... BUT... I often dissuade a lot of folk from doing this. Why? Cause for some people, it's not the right time. Look, an SLO or $1 product has one purpose. To get more people into your business at cost or minor profit. It's about VOLUME of buyer leads, not about profit. A lot of the time, SLOs operate...
2 days ago • 1 min read
Best channel and opportunity over the next 5-years? YouTube. No question. Here's the thing, I knew next to nothing about YT... but I wanted to learn. So I did what I always do in these situations. I sat down and did something on YT every day for 30 days. If you want to know... What I learned The effect it had on my channel How i repurposed the content so I am EVERYWHERE ... then watch the below. Oh, and please forgive my voice. I've got the flu and it's making it hard to do anything right...
3 days ago • 1 min read
You know Jay Abraham? He's a HUGE name in the direct response marketing industry with some massive wins under his belt. Rumour is, the guy charges $120,000 per day or $15,000 per hour. Madness, right? Anyway. One of the things he teaches is that there are 3 core pillars to revenue growth. They are... Increase the # of customers Increase the average order value Increase the chance of repeat purchases This is, in my opinion, the foundation all biz owners should be focusing on. And yet, we all...
3 days ago • 1 min read
Yo Reader I’ll keep this quick. This isn’t some desperate pitch. I won’t spam you. I won’t chase you. You won’t suddenly find yourself in a 6-email funnel begging for a call... (I promise). Here’s the deal: I’ve been running a little experiment — helping founders fix the hidden gaps in their marketing with one short consult and a simple system. It’s not free.But it’s close.And it tends to pay for itself fast. If you want a clearer growth plan, better buyers, and a few smart freebies while...
4 days ago • 1 min read
You ever see those people who've been in the game for a decade plus saying stuff like... You've just gotta do this simple thing... It's easy when you do this... Do this to make money... ... and you think, well yeah, that's easy for you cause you've got... ... an established audience...... major reputation...... loadsa cash... A lot of the time, when someone starts to see success, they start to forget what it was like to grow something from scratch. How to get something from 0-1 with limited...
9 days ago • 1 min read
Ever feel like your offers should be selling way better than they are? You’ve got the audience. You’ve got the expertise. You even get people engaging, showing interest... Yet, when it’s time to buy? Crickets. You tweak your pitch.You try different angles.You wonder if maybe your price is too high. Nothing moves the needle. The worst part? You know people like what you’re doing. You see the DMs, the comments, the replies. So why the hell aren’t they pulling out their wallets? It’s not because...
11 days ago • 1 min read
Remember a couple of years ago where Neil Patel was everywhere? Log into Facebook... there's Neil. Check your LinkedIn... hi Neil. Scroll on Insta... Neil. Hell, if you Googled anything related to marketing, the fella was guaranteed to be one of the top 3. You couldn't get away from him. Neil was, and still is, the master of omnipresent marketing. Everywhere you went, he was there. And I've been looking at what I can do to replicate some of this. Why? Cause trust is often built through...
13 days ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader, If you’ve been following along, you now have a clear path for turning low-ticket buyers into high-ticket clients. But there’s one question left: how do you scale this? Most people think ads are the easy answer. They throw money at Facebook, Google, or YouTube, expecting leads and buyers to roll in. Instead, they end up burning cash and saying, “Ads don’t work for me.” That’s because they run ads too soon—or without the right system behind them. In today’s video, I break down: ✅...
14 days ago • 1 min read