
Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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I've started doing this thing in the GM+ Community where I set aside a few hours every week and offer video feedback. You send few key pieces of info and a link to what you want reviewed or audited. Then, I record a personalised feedback video as a response so you've got some ideas on how I'd try to remove the problem and get growth back on track. I've just hit publish on this week's post. However, this week I'm opening it to everyone. So, if you're facing a problem you don't know how to...

A couple of days back I did an analysis of a cool FB ad funnel I found in the wild. It's published in the GM+ Community. A member chimed in with some more detail about the person who runs the ads and, to cut a long story short, the ad creator is incredible. She's absolutely printing money through FB. But that's a story for another day. I spent some more time deconstructing how she runs such insane ads and here's the basics. Creates an ad Generates social proof by getting her community to...

GM+ Member Britt just wrote the below in the community (and coined the term "honeypot links")... "I knew there would be fake clicks, but there could be a lot. I’ll know soon because I set up the system today and from tomorrow, I’ll know." After a few recent "viral giveaways" I noticed something weird with my email engagement. The little "follow me on social" buttons above my signature all recieved the exact same number of clicks. Weird, right? When I looked into it, the clickers were all...

If you wanna get results in anything, the best thing you can do is optimise for the inputs. You can't control results, but you can control how you take action. You need to find the way of taking action that works for you. Here's what I mean. When I was 18 I moved from my hometown to Hong Kong to study Martial Arts. The 2 most senior students had completely different methods of approaching their study, but both were incredibly accomplished. P was a former International Taekwondo competitor at...

We're in the last few months of the year, and that presents a couple of opportunities for your biz. Black friday (I don't like discounts, but there are some cool bundles you can do here to make more moolah) The summer's over and people are back to looking at how to improve (which means more moolah) We're in the run up to Xmas, so it's time to earn yourself a nice little gift I'm not planning on wasting this and am pushing hard with a few offers in Q4. I'm hoping you're not planning on wasting...

Yo! So I just hit publish on this week's video review thread in the GM+ Community. If you've not seen me mention these before, here's how they work. You find the thread in GM+ Drop a comment in the thread with an asset, strategy, or question you want some feedback on (and some clarifying info) Over the next few days I record a personal Loom video with some thoughts and ideas You take that and use it to improve your asset/strategy... or completely ignore it if that's what you fancy So, if...

Let's say you've created an asset. Could be... A sales page An ad An email ... or anything that you're gonna use in your biz. How do you know if it's any good? I'll be honest here - YOU don't know. Not for certain. Often, we're too close to the forest to see the trees. You're biased and, what makes sense to you as the creator is completely confusing to anyone else who reads it. The first REAL test most assets get is when you hit publish and drive some real traffic to it. But there's a better...

Yo! Real quick one today. I've been working on creating some new trainings to help people at different stages of their business to unlock that next level of growth and revenue. I wanted to share them with you here first before I start promoting them properly. (I'd recommend clicking only ont he training that applies to you as there's automated folow up info that could be annoying if it can'thelp you.) Training #1 - Scaling successful offers The latest training is for businesses already doing...

I'm gonna kick this off by saying that I think Hormozi has shown himself to be a great marketer... ... but recently, some of his advice feels too much like cheap money grabs. I read something the other day around his advice on how to "maximise LTV for recurring fee customers". The advice is completely trash IMO and will do nothing more than ruin your rep. His advice was to add an annual renewal fee onto people's recurring fees. Let's say you run a community like GM+ and your monthly fee is...

Check this out. I've been working on a Custom GPT to help spin up V1 drafts of spearfishing posts to use on social ad communities to generate engagement and referral traffic to your offers. Yeah yeah, I know the whole AI hype train has slowed a little, but I'm still finding great usage from AI. I've got 10+ Custom GPTs that help me spin up V1 drafts of things like sales pages, emails - and now social posts I use pretty frequently. They're all shared in GM+ if you want to get access to them....