
Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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Attracting the right people

In the past week I've had a couple of people mention that they want a little extra help in setting up an SLO - or self-liquiating offer. They're sometimes also called things like a tripwire product, or low-ticket offer. I love 'em and can understand why people want to set one up. Once you've got a decent one established, it results in some cool things like... Sorting the givers from the takers in your audience so you can focus on the people who drive profit Increasing engagement within your...

I've had a lot of businesses, offers, and ideas fail over the years. Some of 'em I still think are pretty good ideas and, if I'd approached it differently, could have worked. What would I do differently? I'd do it all faster. But in a smart way. For years I was doing things the "right" way. I was... Writing blog posts Creating social promotions Doing outreach to open dialogues with potential customers Offering as much free value as possible to then try and convert the freebie seekers And it...

Is it possible to run profitable ads if you don't have a big ol' marketing budget? Yup. I've got a campaign that's generating profit at only £3 per day. Here's how. Before I get into the deets, I should also say that this is a great method for "higher threat" offers like recurring fee products where there's a longer consideration cycle (I recently did an analysis in GM+ on someone who'd making money hand over fist with this). Look, part of running ads is testing the market. You might lose a...

I see a lot of people do those "how would you sign a client in 1 week" type posts on social. A few of my favourites recently are... "I need to make $10k by EoD tomorrow to pay bills" "Gun to your head, you have to sign a client in a week. How do you do it?" How can I hit $10k / months in the next month? I'm not sure why $10k months has become the go-to number, but that's beside the point. I'm also not sure if theyr'e in desperate need of cash, or it's just engagement bait. Anyway, I'd had...

A couple of days back I caught some criticism for saying that free lead magnets just aren't good enough. It was the usual spiel from me. People who pay once will pay again. Low ticket offers build a more engaged list. Yada yada yada. Well, someone took umbrage with and decided to message me about how wrong I was. Which is cool. You have your opinions, I have mine. I'm not so precious that I can't hear and consider another viewpoint. It doesn't bother me because I've seen how low-ticket offers...

I'm cooking something up and I've got a question. Imagine you've got 1 month. 4 weeks. 30 days. 730 hours. In that time, you set yourself a goal to do something that will have a positive impact on your business. It could be anything from... Crafting a new offer Building a new funnel Creating an ad campaign Booking in 20 sales calls Increasing the LTV of your existing customers Writing a book to use to bring in more customers It might seem like a tall order, right? However, you've got a secret...

I've started doing this thing in the GM+ Community where I set aside a few hours every week and offer video feedback. You send few key pieces of info and a link to what you want reviewed or audited. Then, I record a personalised feedback video as a response so you've got some ideas on how I'd try to remove the problem and get growth back on track. I've just hit publish on this week's post. However, this week I'm opening it to everyone. So, if you're facing a problem you don't know how to...

A couple of days back I did an analysis of a cool FB ad funnel I found in the wild. It's published in the GM+ Community. A member chimed in with some more detail about the person who runs the ads and, to cut a long story short, the ad creator is incredible. She's absolutely printing money through FB. But that's a story for another day. I spent some more time deconstructing how she runs such insane ads and here's the basics. Creates an ad Generates social proof by getting her community to...

GM+ Member Britt just wrote the below in the community (and coined the term "honeypot links")... "I knew there would be fake clicks, but there could be a lot. I’ll know soon because I set up the system today and from tomorrow, I’ll know." After a few recent "viral giveaways" I noticed something weird with my email engagement. The little "follow me on social" buttons above my signature all recieved the exact same number of clicks. Weird, right? When I looked into it, the clickers were all...

If you wanna get results in anything, the best thing you can do is optimise for the inputs. You can't control results, but you can control how you take action. You need to find the way of taking action that works for you. Here's what I mean. When I was 18 I moved from my hometown to Hong Kong to study Martial Arts. The 2 most senior students had completely different methods of approaching their study, but both were incredibly accomplished. P was a former International Taekwondo competitor at...