A quick Saturday thought


So I saw this recent email from Bootstrapped Growth about increasing revenue with upsells.

I'm a big fan of upsells to improve AoV and cover your ad spend.

One of the tips in the newsletter was to introduce family or team pricing.

I've seen this work really well for a business-focused community I worked with in the past.

The community was all about increasing conversions, it was $97 / month to join and had about 350 members.

So not doing badly by any measure.

Anyway, when I was chatting to the growth people there they said that one of the best ways they've found to bump their rev was not to focus on bringing in individual new members.

Instead, what they would do is go to networing events with people who managed teams and sell them a yearly licence for X team members.

Yes, they gave a discount for the bulk order (around 20%), but they'd also sell ~10 licenses in one go.

Instead of working to get a single customer on a monthly plan, they'd get 10 on a yearly plan paid upfront.

In financial terms?

Instead of $97 they'd get about $9000.

If you have an offer that appeals to groups or teams, consider setting this up and going after the decision-makers.

Could be an easy way to massively build your sales this month.

In the meantime, check out Bootstrapped Growth here. It's a good read.

Pete "Bulk buy" Boyle

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Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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