What not to do


In the last couple of months, I've tried a few different methods to grow a larger and more profitable email list.

Some have worked, most haven't.

I've recorded a video explaining what I've tried and why I think certain approaches to growing my email list have - and haven't - worked.

You can see it here

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Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out.

Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA
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Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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"Just set up a nurture sequence to make sales on autopilot". Ah... if only it was that easy. This is the common advice you see out there about "nurturing" people towards a purchase. And so people set up these long, elaborate email sequences which in essence, focus on one thing "demonstrate value". And while showing value is great, it’s not enough to make someone spend $1,000+ with you. Why? because people buy from people. They need to know, like, and trust YOU, not just your advice. And that...

Someone comes into your business through a freebie lead magnet or low-ticket offer. How long is it before they decide to pony up some cash? It's a debate we've been having in GM+ and people have shared their experiences. I'm piecing some stats together from different posts and convos for this, so the math is a little rough. Anyway... First, you can expect about 10% of free leads to become paying customers. If you attract people with a low-ticket offer (even as low as $1), these customers...

Yo! Just scheduled in a workshop where I'm going to walk through the system we're using to build ascension systems into people's businesses. This is the automated approach to getting people from a low ticket purchase or free lead magnet into your high ticket programs. Full details are here I'll share more info on what will be included over the next few days. Any Qs, hit reply and let me know. Pete "workshop worker" Boyle Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd, Unit 16535, 13 Freeland Park,...