
Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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Yo! Happy Sunday. I'm looking to talk to owners of businesses doing at least $200k / up to $2M / year. I'm not pitching anything, nor is there any ulterior motive. Just looking to ask a few questions for some new offers I'm working on to help people break through the barrier to the next revenue and profit milestone. If you fit into the above and yu'd be up for answering a few Qs, either on the phone or via email, hit reply and let me know. Cheers! Pete Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Villains Ltd,...

Yo! In the last couple of months, I've tried a few different methods to grow a larger and more profitable email list. Some have worked, most haven't. I've recorded a video explaining what I've tried and why I think certain approaches to growing my email list have - and haven't - worked. You can see it here Want more help? Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out. Set up a cashflowing front end to attract leads who pay. Grab the $1 Product Challenge now to set...

There are a couple of ways for you to get better at marketing and growth. Let's imagine the goal is to become better at email marketing. The first, and fastest, way is to basically learn directly from someone who's a step or two ahead of you. You could join a course, get a consultation, or purchase access to a workshop that they're doing and learn how they get results. Kinda like joining the workshop I'm doing on email marketing and sales sequence next week (more info here). But, let's...

I was working on a new VSL yesterday and my phone notification popped. It was a new comment in the GM+ Community with a little brag about some success. Britt's running through the ACCER Model Builders program and is just starting to promote her new offers with the email templates included. And, I log in to see the below from her... That's a sale of the initial promo email in a multi-day sequence - so I can't wait to see how many sales she drives after the full sequence is done. The emails...

There's a lot of advice rolling about that distribution is the key to making more money. All you need is a big following, massive email list, loads of impressions or something similar and you're set. It's part of the equation. But really, it's the lesser part. Look, I know and have worked with people who have big ol' followings like... Tens of thousands on their email list Hundreds of thousands of impressions on social Millions of accumulated views on their blogs and YouTube channels ...and...

I send a lot of emails and it's for one reason. More emails = more sales. I send around 1 email per day. And in each of those emails, there's an opportunity for someone to buy something I've created. If you've bought into the common advice around email marketing and think that you... Should only promote in ~50% of your emails Need to spend months nurturing before asking for a sale Just provide free value and eventually the "rule of reciprocity" will have people buying from you ... this is for...

Yo! So I saw this recent email from Bootstrapped Growth about increasing revenue with upsells. I'm a big fan of upsells to improve AoV and cover your ad spend. One of the tips in the newsletter was to introduce family or team pricing. I've seen this work really well for a business-focused community I worked with in the past. The community was all about increasing conversions, it was $97 / month to join and had about 350 members. So not doing badly by any measure. Anyway, when I was chatting...

I'm gonna let you in to a little secret about effective email sequences today. This is the core of all of the email sequences I create, and the reason why they help people print money. It's also one of the key elements I'll be explaining in the upcoming email marketing workshop. This approach is at the core of the below success. In the above, we created a simple 2-week email sequence and sent it to a list that hadn't been emailed in 2 years. But in those 2 weeks, we reactivated the list and...

It's the big headline for most offers out there. "How to get [THING YOU WANT] without [THING YOU DON'T]". There are countless versions of this out there that cross industries, offers, and benefits. For example... How to lose weight without exercising How to find top tier investments without researching How to collect more clients without pitching Most of the time this falls into the template of get big benefit without time or money investment. For most of us, that's gonna fall into the realm...

There are 2 big mistakes that cost people email sales. And I'm gonna explain how you can avoid them to collect more cash. Before I get into it, I'm doing a full workshop on how to create email sequences that sell on the 18th. You can check out the details here. Now, back to it. Problem #1 - Nurture over selling For years I followed this advice. And, weirdly, even when it wasn't generating sales I continued to follow it because it sounds right. The advice? Nurture your audience with free...