
Growth Models

I've spent ~10 years helping digital brands grow. I share what I know and what I'm experimenting with in this newsletter.

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Yo! A quick one today as I'm in the train station to head off to Paris for the Olympics. I put a video together explaining how to get better results by actually doing less in your biz. Check out the full thing below. Pete "French for a week" Boyle Want more help? Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out. Set up a cashflowing front end to attract leads who pay. Grab the $1 Product Challenge now to set up a system that makes money whilst attracting leads. Learn...

Years back I wrote a blog post for Big Commerce. It took me a few hours per day over 3 days to write (was about 5000 words). We hit publish on Friday and by midweek it was ranking #1 on Google for a highly competitive seed keyword. Same story when writing for HubSpot, Entrepreneur and a few others. At that time, I was pretty much exclusively doing blog content so I had a wicked system for churning out high-quality stuff. Also, the brands I partnered with relied on blog content so they had a...

You know why I like simple systems for driving growth? Maybe it's cause I'm dumb. But it honestly helps you identify and fix problems super quick. People think doing more is gonna save your biz. But it's the opposite. Do less, and do it for the right people. I know folks who are running biz's with big audiences yet they're struggling to make consistent cashflow. They've created an unwieldy beast that takes more time to maintain than it should. They spend their time keeping a system moving...

Stop giving your secrets away for free. You've worked hard to devise those secrets and you're cheating yourself if you're just putting it out there without asking for anything back. Yeah yeah, I know that some marketing "leader" who works for one of the biggest brands out there has told you this is the way. And I know you've seen the engagement that post gets so you think it's trustworthy. Here's the thing. Most of the time, the common advice is created by people who either... Have a salary...

Yo! When I was younger in my career, I thought I needed to be dominating as many channels and strategies with marketing as possible. I was trying to... Do cold outreach and sell over the phone Implement a complete SEO strategy to bag all that organic goodness Build a robust LinkedIn presence so people knew the name Lock in partnerships with big players for that lovely little sales boost Try to run some FB ads to eke out some results. And a couple of other things on top. You know what the...

Yo! So I put a longish (~20 minutes) video together explaining how you can get more from your list. Full video is here. Want more help? Want a little more direct help from me? Here's a few ways I could help out. Set up a cashflowing front end to attract leads who pay. Grab the $1 Product Challenge now to set up a system that makes money whilst attracting leads. Learn the exact system I use to scale offers. This workshop explains the entire ACCER model system and how you can implement it to...

Right next to my desk I have the below picture hung up as a constant reminder. My wife got me this years back after I explained how I was having to say no to a lot of people asking for free help. The fact is, we all only have so many hours in the day. As soon as you start generating even a small following on social or within your emails, you'll start getting people reaching out for unpaid help. I've had people ask me for things like... Jumping on a call to audit something for them Doing...

Building on from yesterday's message about the uselessness of most nurture sequences. I wanna jump in with a little cautionary tale. Don't overcompensate like a lot of folk do. Every week I get more than a few cold messages from people who want me to "jump on a call" where they pitch me their multi-thousand dollar recurring fee service. That shiz ain't gonna work. The threat of that offer is too high at that point. It looks like this. "But Pete, you said nurturing was a waste of time and that...

I ended up removing all of my "14-day email nurture" sequences and I'm so happy I did. For years I'd been following the common advice around email nurture. You know the stuff... It takes a lead X touchpoints to buy from you You need to offer X value before you even think of pitching People won't buy your product if they don't know who you are It's all BS as far as I'm concerned now. For years I ran a multi-week welcome sequence to introduce myself, offer value to the user, and then segue into...

There are 2 types of leads for your biz. Givers and takers. Most people focus on attracting takers and wonder why they can't make a penny out of them. If you're doing any of the below, you're attracting takers... Using only free lead magnets Focusing on providing as much free value as possible Building long "nurture sequences" that simply tell the user more about you and your offers than actually selling them So what's the issue with takers? Well, they take. Here's the thing I've found to be...