If the growth strategy for your business is to simply "get new leads", I want you to think about this. Cause there's likely an easy 5+ figures in your biz you're overlooking. This weekend, I'm heading to a nice little local restaurant with the Mrs for a Valentine's Day dinner. The restaurant's in a really weird place. It's on a side street that gets little foot traffic. The side of the road it's on has barely any sidewalk (it's about 1-foot across). And the entrance is just a door in an...
7 days ago • 1 min read
Hey! So later today I'm gonna be jumping on a Webinar to explain the full system we've been using to... Attract high intent customers at cost/minor profit Pre sell them on your HTO Automate 90ish% of the system You can register for that here if you haven't yet. But I wanted to take a second to talk about something I see a lot of people get wrong. A HUGE part of this system is to launch something small and unthreatening to identify the "nuyers". Generally speaking, people who buy once, will...
11 days ago • 1 min read
Everyone loves a rags-to-riches story. So much so, they're commonplace in people's marketing. "How I went from a broke, down and out loser to a bajillionaire" "I lost everything but made it all back within a week doing this..." "The system that helped me move out of my parent's basement into a penthouse within a year" We love these because they make the idea of growth seem possible. Often, they make it seem EASY. That all you need to succeed is a little grit and everything will fall into...
12 days ago • 1 min read
Yo! I've just been putting the finishing touches on the Webinar I'm conducting on Friday. You can join it here if you want. Perfect opportunity for me to give a quick run down of the key points I'll be covering. Obviously the primary focus here is to help you attract more high-intent leads and profit from them in 2025. But let's look at some specifics. I'll be covering... The Buyer Shift: Why chasing 'leads' is costing you sales (and how to attract daily buyers who actually want to pay you)....
12 days ago • 1 min read
Free lead magnets are becoming huge cash drains in 2025. You’d be smart to stop using ‘em or you could see the little profits they’re still making evaporate. Here’s the issue… Free lead magnets have been the go-to for marketers for years. Concept’s simple. Create something of value Put it out into the world for free Email gate that bad boy Collect leads of people Keep hounding them until they’re “ready to buy”. There was a time when this worked super well. Hell, I pulled 6-figures as a solo...
13 days ago • 2 min read
I was chatting to an old friend the other day about how marketing's changed. Back in the day, we both did pretty damn well from the established method of... Free content Free lead magnet Simple nurture Make a sale But, times have changed. If you're still using this approach, you'll likely have seen big shifts like... ... the work it takes to convert one lead into a customer is exponentially harder...... the cost of converting those leads is vastly higher...... the competition is a lot...
15 days ago • 1 min read
Happy Sunday! I hope your Sunday's been a little better than mine. Look, here's the deal. I'm testing the viability of a live webinar model within my business. I've spent the best part of today setting it all up so I can go live at the end of this week to... Talk about the issues digital businesses are facing with growth right now Explain WHY they're having these problems Detail mindset shifts you need to make to stay on top in 2025 Explain the best system I've found for profitable scale in...
15 days ago • 1 min read
One of my big goals for this year is to build a list of partners for things like... Affiliate agreements Co-promotions List swaps Why? For mutual growth. And I wondered if you'd be interested in joining us? If you have an audience that overlaps with the GM audience below... Coaches, consultants, info product creators Online entrepreneurs Service based businesses And would be up for this, hit reply and let me know and we can work something out where we all benefit. Speak soon! Pete "howdy...
18 days ago • 1 min read
How clean is your email list? It's likely not as clean as you think, and that's gonna be costing you big. A couple of days back I was discussing the difficulties with email marketing with my wife. How Google in particular love sending this to junk or promo folders, meaning they never get read. She checked her own promotions tab and found hundreds fo emails from brands she likes that she'd missed cause who checks the promo tab? Anyway, I've noticed my email engagement dipping so started...
20 days ago • 1 min read